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Weekly Industry Update: April 24, 2016

By Vy Phan

April 24, 2016

Last month, we shared glimmers of a spring thaw in the ABS market. We suggested the recent CHAI financing would mark the widest funding costs in the market for the near future. Today, we see 9 ABS deals in various stages of execution, improved pricing (see Avant’s latest deal for instance), and ABS investors scrambling to participate at current spreads. Investor sentiment has improved quickly. Recent headlines – rising delinquency trends in certain segments, the impact of regulatory capital and risk retention on deal activity, and rising financing costs – are well trodden topics. Much of the incremental news is at the firm-level, where platforms continue to develop new products and sources of funding. New forms of distributing loans from retail to real-money buyers via ’40 Act funds and CUSIPs are emerging. Platforms are launching captive asset managers to create a secondary bid for their bonds. Asset managers are winning large mandates from insurance companies via term-funded private credit structures that avoid asset liability mismatches. Larger secular forces – negative real rates, bank retrenchment, and significant unfunded pension liabilities – bode well for platforms that can acquire customers and fund at scale. Conferences: Industry Update: PeerIQ Mentions:  Lighter Fare: