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Macro Update; Affirm’s S-1 and Warrants deal for Shopify; Marqeta Hitches a Ride

By Tito Donis

November 23, 2020


This week, we dig into Affirm’s S-1 as the e-commerce enabler looks to bring holiday cheer to its investors. We touch on some of the other industry highlights of the week such as Marqeta inking a global partnership with Uber.

And finally, a programming note: with Thanksgiving around the corner, the newsletter will be off next week, returning the first week of December. Enjoy the holiday, and we’ll see you in two weeks!

Let’s get to it.

Getting Ready for a Rough Winter

This week’s unemployment data continues to underline the consistent, if muted, economic recovery to date: new claims of 742k, up slightly from the week prior, but continuing a streak of sub-800k reports. Overall unemployment rolls continued to fall to 6.4MM from 6.8MM, as employers continued to add new hires during the retail heavy holiday season.

Source: WSJ, PeerIQ

Policymakers continue to underscore that the recovery is far from complete. In a Q&A session this week, Fed Chair Powell, reiterated that the economy would require additional support from Washington, but with stimulus talks on hold and emergency lending programs set to expire on December 31st, there’s clearly more to be done to ensure strong footing before the winter freeze takes hold.

Will Borrowers Hibernate for the Holidays?

As readers know, for the last few months we’ve been keeping a close eye on the performance of borrowers that took advantage of hardship programs during COVID. We’ve seen current / DQ rates hold pretty steady for the majority of early adopters, and we are retiring that analysis this week.

Instead, over the coming weeks, we’ll be tracking how the major macroeconomic events we’ve highlighted flow through to borrower behavior; for example:

We’ll be digging into these questions, and more, in the coming weeks; stay tuned!

Affirm Seeks IPO Affirmation

This week, Max Levchin’s BNPL powerhouse, Affirm, filed its IPO paperwork, aiming to pull off one more major IPO before the end of the year.

Overall, point-of-sale is hot - in part due to the massive size of the market. A number of firms are already complete in the market (GreenSky, Synchrony, Klarna) and a number of big players and smaller startups have their eyes on the prize as well (Stripe, Visa, Wisetack)

There are quite a few insights on their business from the S-1; let’s take a look:

The Vision - Displace Networks: Affirm has fired a shot across the bow to Visa and Mastercard, declaring its vision “to be as ubiquitous, secure, and convenient as legacy networks yet far more transparent, honest, and both consumer and merchant centric.”

Strong Numbers thru COVID: Simply put, revenue is up (90%+ YoY) and losses are down (from $120.5MM in FY19 to $112.6MM in FY20), with the company reaching 6.2MM customers and 6,500 merchant partners since inception. Even as that volume has increased, credit quality has held up, with overall delinquency rates falling versus 2019.

Source: Affirm’s S-1, PeerIQ

There are important nuances behind the headlines, though:

What about that Shopify Deal?

The Unanswered Questions: The story’s there, and it’s strong, but there are a few open points to consider:

Marqeta Hitches a Ride with Uber

Uber and Marqeta this week announced a global card-issuing partnership, integrated across all of Uber’s services as it expands globally. Marqeta, led by Jason Gardner, already supports Uber Eats in the U.S. - with plans to expand into Europe - and with this agreement, will provide Uber’s users a central payment experience across its product suite.

Mastercard / Finicity Deal Approved

Regulators have officially given Mastercard the green light to finalize its acquisition of Finicity, a Salt Lake City-based fintech led by Steve Smith. The transaction, worth a reported $825MM, was seen as Mastercard’s response to Visa’s $5.3Bn purchase of Plaid - but that latter deal is now in question, with the DoJ pursuing antitrust action against Visa to stop the buy.

Congratulations to Steve and the Finicity team on this milestone!


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