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PeerIQ Monthly Update: July 2015

By Vy Phan

July 31, 2015

Summer hasn’t slowed down developments in the P2P sector.  We saw a host of new fundraises (e.g. Credit Benchmark, Upstart), UBS has announced its entry, and the US Treasury has kicked off an inquiry to better understand developments in the space.  Indeed, we will be in DC next week for the UST’s Marketplace Lending Forum, meeting with regulators, banks and other p2p operators.  I look forward to the discussion and reconnecting with many of you there. And of course, July continued to reflect the acceleration of P2P securitizations, highlighted by last week’s announcement of Citigroup’s CHAI deal.  In the deal, the banking giant secured a provisional A3 grade on the senior tranche on $377 million of bonds backed by Prosper loans —the highest such grade before seen in P2P consumer loans (outside of student loans). We have also seen several publicly listed closed-end and UCIT funds announce in recent weeks.  These products are a more natural way for retail and institutional investors to access the P2P market with the advantage of liquidity and daily pricing.  These products expand the base of eligible investors and are a more stable source of funding to P2P platforms. We prepared a short research piece (see attached) comparing the CHAI transaction to CCOLT (BlackRock’s securitization of Prosper loans back in February), noting both the many similarities, but key differences and factors driving the rating.  I hope you enjoy the piece, and if you have any questions, please reach out to chat. Hiring Update: Introducing Alex Alvarez, our newest Engineer  Sector Update In addition to the CHAI transaction, SoFi made big news with another securitization.  Also, there is a lot of recent chatter and swaps and the growth in that market. P2P Capital Markets: