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Weekly Industry Update: July 25, 2015

By Vy Phan

July 25, 2015

The securitization of Prosper’s loans was the highlight of news articles this week, as marketplace lending continues to show signs of increased demand in the institutional space. Check out the articles we found most interesting below:

Citigroup Selling $377 Million of Bonds Backed by Prosper Loans (Bloomberg, July 22, 2015) Senior class getting A rating by Moody’s on Citi’s pool of Prosper loans.

Innovation in the Prosper Marketplace (Altfi, July 24, 2015) In-depth article about the recent securitization and evolution of the platform.

BCBS and IOSCO Release Final STC Criteria (SFIG, July 23, 2015) Basel Committee just published the rules for creating transparent and comparable securitizations.

Can P2P Lending Reinvent Banking? (MS, July 17, 2015) Morgan Stanley Blue Paper on the growing P2P market.

The Age of the Closed End Fund (Altfi, July 23, 2015) Marketplace lending growth is not slowing down as Overland files to be the first fund of its kind to go public.

Bank of America Financial Chief Exits as Part of Shake-Up (WSJ, July 22, 2015) Conflict between bank and the Fed underscores the need for tools to manage regulatory capital.

Credit Traders Restless to Make a Buck Turn to Leveraged Swaps (Bloomberg, July 21, 2015) Although the spread is tighter, traders are eager to get back into the tranches.