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Weekly P2P Update: January 10, 2016

By Vy Phan

January 10, 2016

2016 is off to a bumpy start for equity and credit markets. Although, you would not have guessed it based on the Q4 P2P ABS volumes which we noted in our tracker last week.

Consider the shifts in securitization volumes by receivables type (courtesy of AB Alert): 

AB Alert ABS Volumes (Jan 2016)

CLO managers (particularly those without access to balance sheet) and Consumer ABS issuers are struggling with risk retention and associated capital charges.

Private label RMBS (not listed due to small volumes) hopes to organize around a standard that is acceptable to issuers, investors, and regulators.

Currently, the fastest growing bucket is Consumer loans - a big chunk of which is P2P – which is also in the standards formation process and testing alternative funding models (marketplace, balance-sheet, and hybrid). 

It is encouraging to see the values of simplicity and transparency carrying forward from the P2P cash market into the P2P ABS market. For example, platforms and issuers under Rule-144A ABS have embraced loan-level transparency despite the lighter regulatory disclosure obligations. The securitization structures, which we analyze via our analytics, are straightforward and comparable.

Analytics firms play an important role in setting standards and improving transparency. Three erstwhile startups that come to mind include:

All have gone on to make outsized impacts relative to their humble origins, and are inspiring models for us today. 

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